How POET boosts productivity in your smart factory

Navigate your business towards success by harnessing the latest web and app data at your disposal.

Let’s Talk OEE

See how POET can benefit your business

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    Manufacturing team member using POET on laptop to view reports in factory

    Key POET benefits

    Company employee using POET on PC to view  digital output reports
    Digital output

    POET brings your business into the digital age and is a key part of your digital journey.

    Available anytime, anywhere

    POET is cloud based so your data is available anytime, anywhere for anyone who has a licence, on any medium – whether its on your phone or laptop, and when your away from the business.

    Easy to use

    POET is a simple system for the user, anyone who can use a mobile phone can use and work with the system, we’ve worked to ensure its simplicity for the user at all levels of the business.

    Shows OEE performance

    POET displays your business OEE performance in a set of dashboards which include Asset Performance, Production Performance and Waste

    Engage the entire workforce

    POET engages the whole workforce from the person making the value add to the CEO of the business.

    Comprehensive filtering system

    POET has a comprehensive filtering system for you to use as you require for daily weekly or board meetings.

    Manufacturing team member using POET to assist in reporting in factory
    Manufacturing team usingPOET in a factory
    Gives operators a voice

    POET gives the process operators a voice though a comments system that gives extra detail as to their opinion on what went wrong, with what and at what time and magnitude, your service team can use this as extra information to address rout cause issues.

    Easy to install

    POET can be up and running in your business within one week, its easy to install and roll out though our training programme within your business.

    New features & regular updates

    The POET development team, work with their client base to support and add features that are beneficial.  These new  features are added in regular updates to the software, so your business is future-proofed and ensuring a competitive edge.

    What people are saying about POET

    What people are saying about POET